ProSens is a new line of modern industrial devices, which integrates transmitters, displays, meters and controllers functionalities.
Modern transmitters, meters, controllers.


    Found: 11 Remove filter

    Measurement of water content in oil

    Measurement of water content in oil using ProSens environmental parameters meter and a sensor measuring the presence/content of water in oil.

    ProSens - Measuring and processing

    ProSens meter used is in measuring temperature and humidity in an air duct of a ventilation system

    Wood drying process monitoring with ProSens

    Wood drying process monitoring with ProSens

    ProSens as a 2-channel controller

    ProSens works as a 2-channel controller

    ProSens in food industry

    This application describes ProSens working in food industry

    Monitoring of temperature and humidity with ProSens in the printing house

    Monitoring of temperature and humidity with ProSens in the printing house

    Measurement of environmental parameters

    Thermometer, hygrometer, and barometer - in this sample application all three roles are fulfilled by one device - the ProSens line meter.

    Elegance in the industry

    Monitoring of environmental parameters at the exhibition in the science center

    ProSens in monitoring work conditions

    Using ProSens in monitoring work conditions

    Recording of storage parameters with ProSens

    Recording of storage parameters with ProSens

    ProSens - an autonomous controller or RS-485 network element

    In this application ProSens is used to control the temperature and humidity in the document archive room

    1 to 11 of 11 results in shown